Giovanna Vista Martinez

No Exit

I live in a small studio apartment in New York City. It is very cozy and comfortable, the perfect space for one. I am an active person who enjoys staying busy and spending a certain amount of time at home to refresh and restore myself after my daily activities. But what happens when you are told that you need to be inside for an unspecified period of time and that leaving your house puts you and others at risk? Those four walls can become claustrophobic and overwhelming, especially when you know that nature is just a few steps away.

Working with my hands and diving into my product design background has always been therapeutic. In the context of this project, the idea of bringing nature and its representation indoors has given me comfort and helped me manage my distress in a time of great uncertainty. Each one of these rooms are minimalistic representations of my studio and were created by translating my furniture into scaled, foldable templates in which I have printed or drawn different elements of nature.